ASHRAE Standard 188P--Legionella Risk Management Update
Expected shortly will be an update from ASHRAE on the Standard 188 for Legionella Risk Management. This Standard has been a work in progress for many years and as the final comment periods come to close, we wanted to update as many people in the water treatment industry as possible. Please read below about this upcoming release.
ASHRAE_Logo.svgThe approved Standard 188, as with previous 188P drafts, outlines a basic strategy for reducing the risk of Legionellosis associated with building water systems by implementing a plan for managing the building water systems. Many elements were reduced or eliminated as this progressed through the drafts to come up with a good document to guide the industry through these changes. The following link provides a very good summary of the changes expected from this new Standard in a blog post from Matt Freije of HC Info.
One of the main changes is that a written Water Management Plan must be included as part the program. Elements of this plan should include the following:
- List of the water management program team members
- Brief description of the building water systems
- Legionella Hazard Analysis of Building Water Systems
- Legionella Hazard Control Measures with monitoring plans and Corrective Actions
- Plans for responding if any case should occur
Stay tuned for the expected release of Standard 188 at the ASHRAE Conference in Atlanta at the end of this month.
For more information on the ASHRAE Standard, contact us today.